“Spike and Ai International After School” is a new school (opened April 1st 2014) located in Yokohama. We are located only one minute walk from Mitsukyo station on the Sotetsu line. We are a sister school to our Eikawa “Spike and Ai English”.(opened April 1st 2006) Our schools have a warm North American atmosphere with a wonderful team of teachers and support staff. We have various programs that nurture our students not only in the English language but also focus on the emotional and physical development to enhance the students conformity in an English speaking environment.
We are in search for energetic, experienced, native level teachers to work with children in our after school. Throughout the week the teacher will plan and administrate lessons with the team of teachers based on our curriculum provided.
If you are energetic, have a great work ethic, are professional, love working with children, meet the criteria, and love to learn yourself, we would love to have the chance to meet you for an interview. Teachers that are bilingual in Japanese and English, a license in teaching Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary School is a bonus and will be taken into consideration when determining salary.
-The addition to our team is a full time position working five days a week. Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Saturday
- All national holidays, summer vacation, winter vacation, and other applicable holidays are provided.
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