「ひとりひとりを大切に」 HOPPAが創部以来 大切にしてきた、大切な想いです。
Native teachers are an essential part of our schools. Not only do they conduct all the English classes, they also assist Japanese teachers throughout the day. They do so by helping control the students during Japanese classes, joining in and participating during walks, activities or meals and school events. Together, teachers ensure a high level of education and make sure our students excel in all areas.
English teachers are actively encouraged to grow and expand on the foundations of our curriculum to create truly unique and personalized lessons. Allowing ample creative freedom to inject passion and enthusiasm into ones class is something the HOPPA company values.
The working hours and work schedule are set meaning that, you will know your working schedule for the year.
HOPPA schools are open Monday to Saturday but provide English lessons only from Monday to Friday so English teachers do not have to work on Saturdays unless there is a special event or training. The shift is generally from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm or 9 am to 6 pm with an hour break. In the morning each class has a 30 minute English lesson, then children can go play outside, go for a walk or do some kind of crafts or activities.
Every school aims to create a friendly working atmosphere where all teachers can work together, talk, and play with the students ensuring everyone enjoys their time at HOPPA.
Working with Japanese teachers only in a Japanese environment is a great way to learn more about the culture and improve your language skills. However, this job does not require you to be fluent in Japanese. At every school, the teachers are friendly, everyone will greet and talk with students and teachers are encouraged to come up with ways to inspire students. Once a month there is a meeting with all of the other English teachers to exchange ideas and talk about what we want to do the following month.
There are a variety of locations throughout Japan with both larger and smaller schools. There is one English teacher per school, sometimes two if the school is really big
Larger schools have at least one English teacher. Smaller schools, don’t usually have an English teacher. However, we still want children to experience English time and get to interact with English teachers. For this reason, teachers are sent to the smaller schools about once a week.
Training is provided before teachers start working on their own at their school.
Feel free to check our websites:
( https://hoppa.jp )
( https://keceg.jp )
HOPPA http://hoppa.jp/original/#e-time
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