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Job Search

Part-Time Educator in Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions (expired)

Stella Innovations Co., Ltd.

Stella Innovations Co., Ltd.

Job ID
Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Post date
Dec 27, 2024
Education / Teaching
Education, Training
Work Type
Part Time / Experienced (Non-Manager)
¥5,500 ~ ¥7,000 / Lesson
  • Project Based


  • English: Fluent (preferred)
  • Must currently reside in Japan
  • Living in Nagoya or surrounding areas
  • A valid work visa that expires after January 31st 2026
  • We cannot accept applicants who hold an 'Instructor' visa


- A gateway to teaching at universities and other tertiary institutions in Japan

- An opportunity to apply your skills and experiences in higher educational environments

- Support young Japanese people as they prepare for their careers and participate in the tertiary education of Japan

Education / Teaching

Teacher, Lecturer

Work Type and Salary
Part Time [Project Based]

We have part-time positions currently available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays starting from April 2025 through to January 31st 2026. During the summer and winter holidays there are no lectures due to university closures.

Part Time Salary Up to ¥3500~ ¥4700 / hour
[Our most common project types are 90-minute university lectures. We offer between ¥5500 to ¥7000 during your first contract with us, with a higher remuneration available for repeat contracts with proven performance.]

*Transportation expenses paid up to the project allowance.

**Remuneration is paid on the 25th of each month except in cases where this day falls on a weekend or public holiday. Remuneration is calculated based on lectures taught within the period of the 21st of a month and the 20th of the following month.

***Your first remuneration will be paid the month you begin working - no "month-in-hand".

Who will you be working for?

Stella Innovations Co., Ltd is an established and respected company located in Aichi, with its current head office in Nagoya. Lead by owners with a diverse cultural background, Stella Innovations has been providing education, translation, proofreading/copywriting and business consulting services and solutions since 2011 to higher education institutions and corporate clients. Stella Innovations is seeking enthusiastic and motivated professionals who enjoy working with both small and large groups of adults whether face-to-face or online. Stella Innovations also has potential career pathways into sales, marketing, human resources management, EFL/ESL textbook creation, and proofreading various academic and corporate material.


English: Native level
- Possess the desire and ability to work with adults from university age and up.
- BA/BS Degree from a university where English is the primary language; all majors accepted
- Completion of elementary, secondary, and university education primarily in English only
- Ability to work and travel within Nagoya, and/or to neighboring cities and prefectures.


Successful candidates must have native English fluency, possess good communication skills, be approachable, and be open-minded to cultural differences. The candidate must also be creative and have a willingness to align Stella’s goals with their own professional goals. Teaching and/or business experience, as well as Japanese language ability is helpful, but not necessary.
Candidates must have a BA/BS degree (all majors considered) and have completed all of their elementary and secondary education primarily in English. Part-time positions are offered only as a 1-year commitment. Candidates with a Master’s degree should indicate this on their resume and in their cover letter. Any degree or qualification mentioned in either the resume or cover letter must be able to be verified for authenticity.

*Please note that the commute allowance for part-time employees may have a maximum limit for commute reimbursement depending on the budget allocated for each project, but will never go below 1000 Yen per day.

Please see our company website and contact details. Even if you are not available or suited for the listed position, we are always interested in interviewing qualified candidates for other current or future positions.

Access the application portal by clicking the link below. As part of the online application, successful first-stage applicants will be directed to submit a current resume and cover letter. Candidates who submit applications with missing information may not be considered.

Please feel free to contact the recruiting office with questions at any time during the application process. Contact information is available on our website. However, please understand that we are not able to respond to all applications and questions immediately.

Please do not contact or visit a Stella Innovations office directly without an appointment made by phone or email with Stella Innovations Human Resources department.

Thank you for reading this description in full and we look forward to receiving your application.

Last modified on January 27, 2025

The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.

This job is no longer available.

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