(English Follows Japanese)
◾️ 事業内容
- バグ報告、サポートリクエスト、新機能の開発など、顧客とのコミュニケーションの主な連絡窓口となる
- 顧客からの質問や依頼内容が適切に対応されたかを積極的にフォローアップする
- 定められた目標(応答時間、解決時間、顧客満足度など)達成やまたはそれ以上の成果があげられるよう努力する。
- 顧客が問題を自己解決できるよう資料(よくある質問、知識ベース、使い方ガイドなど)を作成したり、定期更新をサポートする
◾️ 社内チームとのやり取り
- ウェブ開発者、デザイナー、ウェブディレクター、プロジェクトマネージャーに顧客からの依頼を割り当て、問題の解決を図る
- チームメンバーと積極的に協力し要件のテストや明確化を図り、顧客の問題解決をサポートする
- 社内のプロジェクトミーティングに参加し、顧客のビジネスニーズをチームに伝える
- 顧客満足度向上のため、サポート工程やシステム改善の機会を見つけ、チームにフィードバックする
◾️ アカウント管理
- サポート顧客の主な連絡窓口となり、Zoho Desk(ヘルプデスクソフトウェア)を通じてプロジェクトやサービスの進捗状況を定期的に報告する
- 顧客のニーズに応じてサポートやサービスを提供しながら、信頼関係を深める
- 顧客とビジネスニーズやウェブサイトの目標に関する戦略的な計画を立てる
- プロジェクト要件をヒアリングし、プロジェクトの範囲や予算を交渉する
- 見積もりや請求処理のサポート
◾️ 求める経験・スキルなど
• ネイティブレベルの日本語 / ビジネスレベルの英語
• カスタマーサービスやカスタマーサポートの経験
• 専門的な内容を文章や口頭でわかりやすく説明できること
• 顧客の問題に対し、適切な解決策を提供するための問題解決スキル
• ウェブサイト管理プラットフォーム、CMS、基本的なウェブ技術に関する知識
• 優れたチームワーク力と時間管理スキル
• 顧客の気持ちや状況を積極的に理解する力
• チームワークを重視し、顧客やチームとの良好的な関係を築く力
• ヘルプデスクソフトウェアやサポートツールの使用に慣れていること
Zoho Deskやその他のヘルプデスクソフトウェア
Google Workspace
Why work at netwise?~ネットワイズでの働き方
• 残業は最小限:ワークライフバランスを推進し、就業時間内に仕事を終わらせます
• 国際色豊かな多言語チーム
• 社員の専門的な能力開発を積極的に支援
• ハイブリッドワークモデル(リモート、通勤のミックス型)
• 渋谷駅徒歩圏内に立地
This role is responsible for providing exceptional service to our website support clients and others who communicate with us via the helpdesk. You will serve as the main point of contact for these customers, ensuring that client inquiries and support requests are handled quickly and efficiently. Your role will be vital in maintaining a high degree of client satisfaction and promoting client retention.
Join our international team at the cutting edge of digital marketing and technology! Use your bilingual skills to collaborate with clients and colleagues worldwide, building valuable experience to advance your career.
Enjoy a flexible work setup with three remote days each week and two in-office days to connect with colleagues in person.
◾️ Responsibilities
Interaction with Clients:
• Serve as the primary point of contact for client communications such as bug reports, support requests, development of new features, etc.
• Actively follow up with clients to ensure their questions or concerns have been addressed to their satisfaction.
• Strive to achieve and exceed established performance metrics, such as response time, resolution time, and customer satisfaction ratings.
• Assist in the creation and maintenance of support documentation, including FAQs, knowledge base articles, and user guides, to provide self-help resources to clients.
Interaction with Internal Teams:
• Assign tasks to web developers, designers, web directors, and project managers with the goal of addressing and resolving issues.
• Support team members with testing, clarification of requirements, and problem-solving.
• Join internal project meetings and understand and communicate client business needs to the internal project team.
• Identify opportunities for making improvements to our processes and systems, and provide feedback to the management team to enhance the client support experience.
Account Management
• Serve as the main contact for our support clients, and provide regular status updates via our helpdesk software, Zoho Desk.
• Manage and build strong relationships with a base of clients providing various levels of service for web properties.
• Have strategic conversations with clients about their business needs and website goals.
• Work with clients to gather project requirements and negotiate project scopes and budgets.
• Assist with quoting and invoicing.
◾️ Preferred Experience/Qualifications
• Previous experience in a customer service or client support role is a plus.
• Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to convey technical information in a clear and understandable manner.
• Solid problem-solving and troubleshooting skills to effectively address client issues and provide suitable solutions.
• Familiarity with website management platforms, content management systems (CMS), and basic web technologies is advantageous.
• Excellent organizational and time management skills with the ability to prioritize tasks and manage multiple client requests simultaneously.
• Empathetic and patient demeanor, with a genuine passion for providing exceptional customer service.
• Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and establish positive working relationships with clients and colleagues.
• Proficiency in using help desk software, and other support tools is a plus.
The ideal candidate will also have experience with the following:
• Zoho Desk or other help desk software
• WordPress
• Google Workspace
Why work at netwise?
• Minimal overtime. We promote work-life balance and getting the job done during working hours.
• International, multilingual team of 15
• Professional development. Proactive support for employee professional development
• Hybrid work model. More flexibility to get work done when and where you're most productive.
• Office located within walking distance of Shibuya station.
Last modified on December 15, 2024
The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.
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