A private elementary school in Fukuoka seeks a full-time homeroom teacher with a valid teaching certificate of country of origin which allows the holder to teach 1-6 grades. This position is to start in September 1, 2023. A new teacher is to teach various subjects in English, expect for Japanese, and to be hired directly by school on one-year contract basis. Upon one’s performance, the contract could be renewed in the following years.
classroom management
20-25 lessons per week (average)
administrative duties, including school PR activities
lesson planning
350,000 yen per month, 4,200,000 yen per year, not negotiable
WORKING HOURS: 8:00 - 18:00 from Mon to Fri
Day off: every Saturday and Sunday, and national holidays,
summer and winter holiday, school holidays
*When school events are scheduled on weekend, alternative day off is provided on Monday.
INSURANCE: pension premium, health insurance, employment insurance, and industrial accident insurance
Commuting allowance is covered partially with max. 45,000 yen per month. Car commuting is possible.
other allowances are available.
valid teaching certificate in the country of origin
application documents: CV/resume, a copy of BA, academic transcript, and other qualification if any, and residence card (both sides)
current resident in Japan
In the process of application, a demo lesson at school is required. Brain Academy Inc is in charge of the first candidate screening on behalf of the school.
In case your teaching certificate needs to be renewed before application, please contact us because the school is exceptionally willing to see your application at first.
Last modified on August 2, 2023
The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.
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