With users from over 190 countries, our company is crossing borders by sending Japanese products and goods to consumers all over the world! As a rapidly growing e-commerce company located in downtown Tokyo, we are looking for native English speakers with Japanese ability who also speak Thai, German, Italian or Dutch at a native level, to join our international customer support team with staff members from different European and Asian countries. Working visa sponsorship will be provided if necessary!
Requirements skills:
Thai, German, Italian or Dutch Native level
English native level and Japanese business level is also required
・ English comprehension and composition skills
・ Experience in an office environment and/or customer service is preferred
・ Experience as manager/leader is preferred
Job description:
・ Answering customer inquiries via email and telephone (English)
・ Communication with other departments within our company (Japanese)
・ Translation work
Working hours:
・5 days a week, 9:00 – 18:00 (1 hour break incl.), work on weekends required
・Weekly shift including weekends and holidays
*Telework during weekends and holidays is available after training period
・5 min. walk from Kayabacho Station or Hacchobori Station
Other information:
・ Health and pension insurances
・ Working visa sponsorship
・ Transportation (up to 30,000 yen/month)
・5 days/week shift
* Work on weekends is required
* Partial attendance may be required during long-term holidays
・ Annual paid holidays (after the first 6 months)
・ No office dress code
・ Free lunch time
・ Banquets and events (sponsored by the company)
From 1,400 yen/hour
Employment Type:
・ Full time part-time employee (including full support for working visa application)
* Promotion available depending on performance and skills.
・東京メトロ 茅場町駅より徒歩5分
250万円 〜 300万円(時給:1400円~)
フルタイムパート ※当社がビザの申請手続きを行います。
Last modified on July 13, 2020
The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.
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