*The description in Japanese below
We are a real estate company based in the center of Shizuoka city dedicated to training and developing our new staff. The average age in our office is 34/35 years old, with even gender diversity.
We regularly attend events within the local community and participate in various social contribution activities. You will have many opportunities to meet with our customers at this job.
[Main tasks]
- Manage company’s website & social media (Facebook etc). Translation and writing articles.
- Doing location shoots, writing columns, etc.
- Translation & interpretation assistance (supporting visitors etc.)
- Assisting with other tasks etc.
You do not have to have real estate industry experience. We are looking for someone to introduce rooms or areas, and write columns from their own point of view.
Our company puts effort into writing articles which are about what we feel about the real estate industry and interesting content about Japanese customs, and attractions or mysteries of an area. We try to positively provide information.
Contract employee
- Contract period: six months (sometimes it’s renewable)
- 3 months Probation (monthly salary: 150,000 yen~)
* Part-time employment is also possible. Please contact us for more details.
- A Japan resident, with a visa such as "permanent resident", "Long-Term Resident" and
"Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident"
- Applicants must be over 20 years old
- Must have basic Computer skills
Work locations
Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Daiichi fudousan Tamachi branch
- 105 days off a year
- 4 to 8 days off a month (weekends off are also available)
- New Year’s holiday
- Summer vacation and long vacation(~10 days) *It depends on a yearly calendar
- Paid vacations
It would be great if you have a driver’s lisence
- Social insurance
- Commuting Allowance Regulations
- Commuting by car is negotiable
- Business trip for training
The Interview will be held in Japanese.
Don't hesitate to apply! We are waiting for you!
当社では未経験から始めたスタッフが 多数活躍中です!
平均年齢34.27歳 男女比44:56女性の方活躍中!!
・その他作業補助 など
・契約社員 契約期間:半年(更新する場合もある)
・勤務先 静岡市葵区田町 株式会社第一不動産静岡田町店内
・休暇 年間休日105日 月4~8日(土日休みも相談可)
・資格 普通自動車免許保有が望ましい。
Last modified on April 19, 2022
The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.
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