We’re always looking for a full stack web developer who writes beautiful code and has a strong knowledge in User Interface / User Experience Front-end Design.
As a Nippon-Yasan.Com Full Stack Developer, you'll interact with a large variety of projects on a daily basis.
You'll build/maintain/troubleshoot/improve our customers experience.
Important Traits Needed
- Security First development approach
- Problem solver
- Good notion of design
- DevTools is essential
- Geek enthusiast
- Basic Vanilla Javascript (Jquery knowledge is a plus)
- Basic knowledge on HTML / CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap, Materialize CSS, Bulma)
- PHP 5.6 (above 5.6 is a plus)
- MySQL (Knowledge on Firebase and MongoDB are a plus)
- Git version control
- Basic Command Line
- APIS/REST knowledge
- SSL knowledge
- Basic Adobe Photoshop knowledge
- User Interface and User Experience Design Knowledge
- CSS Pre-Processor Sass Knowledge is a plus
- Front End JS Frameworks knowledge (Angular, React, Vue.js) is a plus
- Knowledge in After Effects and Adobe Premier creation/manipulation tools knowledge is a BIG Plus
- Knowledge in Objective-C (iOS) and Java (Android) knowledge oriented to mobile application development a Big Plus
- Japanese Language is a plus
** Visa sponsored by the employer
Position in Matsuyama, Ehime
Last modified on September 2, 2019
The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.